Amiri is a fierce tribal warrior from the rugged clans of the north. She claimed her oversized bastard sword as a trophy after single-handedly wiping out a band of frost giants. When she returned to her people, she discovered her raid had been meant to be a suicide mission—a punishment for consistently one-upping her tribe's male warriors in battle. In a rage she slaughtered her traitorous comrades, then forsook her homeland to make her own place in the world.
You may bury a card from your hand to add 1d10 (☐+1) to your Strength, Melee, or Constitution check.
You may move at the end of your turn (☐ and/or move another character to the location where you end your turn).
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Barbarians who adopt this role are consumed by rage, stoking flames of fury that express themselves through vicious attacks and unbelievable strength.
Hand Size
☐ 5 ☐ 6
Proficient with
Light Armors | ☐ Heavy Armors | Weapons
You may bury a card from your hand (☐ or the top card of your deck) to add 1d10 (☐+1) (☐+2) (☐+3) (☐+4) to your Strength, Melee, or Constitution check.
You may move at the end of your turn (☐ and/or move another character to the location where you end your turn).
☐ Add 2 (☐ 4) to your check to acquire a weapon.
☐ When you play Blessing of Gorum, add d12 instead of the normal die.
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Through amazing fortitude, superhuman resilience, and mighty armor, juggernauts can resist the assault of any opponent.
Hand Size
☐ 5 ☐ 6
Proficient with
Light Armors | ☐ Heavy Armors | Weapons
You may bury a card from your hand to add 1d10 (☐+1) (☐+2) (☐+3) to your Strength, Melee, or Constitution check.
You may move at the end of your turn (☐ and/or move another character to the location where you end your turn).
☐ When you are dealt Combat (☐ or any other type of damage), reduce that damage by 1.
☐ Add 2 (☐ 4) to your check to acquire an armor.
☐ When you play Blessing of Gorum, add d12 instead of the normal die.
You may bury a card to add 1d10 to your Strength or Constitution check, or to your check to defeat a barrier that has the Lock, Obstacle, or Trap trait. (☐ Then you may draw a card.) If it is your exploration, but it is not the first exploration of your turn, add an additional 1d6.
At the end of your turn (☐ or when your location closes), you may move.
Immovable Object[]
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For every action, there exists an equal and opposite reaction. That's not always what you want.
Hand Size
☐ 5
☐ 6
Proficient with
Light Armors | ☐ Heavy Armors | Weapons
You may bury a card to add 1d10 to your Strength or Constitution check, or to your check to defeat a barrier that has the Lock, Obstacle, or Trap trait. (☐ Then you may draw a card.) If it is your exploration, but it is not the first exploration of your turn, add an additional 1d6.
At the end of your turn (☐ or when your location closes), you may move (☐ or you may recharge a card).
☐ When you would be moved, you may choose not to move.
☐ Add 1d6 to your check to close a location (☐ or your check when it is not your turn.)
☐ When you acquire a boon, you may recharge it to recharge a random card from your discard pile (☐ or draw a card.)
☐ When a bane deals damage to you before you act, reduce that damage by 3.
Unstoppable Force[]
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The unstoppable force can move mountains, one boulder at a time.
Hand Size
☐ 5
Proficient with
Light Armors | ☐ Heavy Armors | Weapons
You may bury a card to add 1d10 (☐ +1)((☐ +2) to your Strength or Constitution check, or to your check to defeat a barrier that has the Lock, Obstacle, or Trap trait. (☐ Then you may draw a card.) If it is your exploration, but it is not the first exploration of your turn, add an additional 1d6 (☐ 1d8).
At the end of your turn (☐ or when your location closes), you may move. (☐ If you do, you may then examine the top card of your location deck.).
☐ When you would be moved, you may choose not to move.
☐ When you defeat a barrier, you may examine the top card (☐ or top 3 cards) of your location deck. You may put any examined boons on the bottom of the location deck. (☐ Then you may explore your location.)
☐ When you acquire a boon on your turn, you may immediately recharge it to explore your location.)
On your Strength check or your check against a monster, you may bury a card from your hand (☐ or discards) to add your Fortitude skill.
Closing your location does not prevent you from exploring (☐ and after you close your location, you may draw a card).
At the end of your turn, you may move; any local characters may move with you.
Resistance Fighter[]
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Barbarians can overthrow any empire, given battleaxes and enough time.
Hand Size
☐ 5 ☐ 6
Proficient with
Weapon | ☐ Armor
On your Strength check or your check against a monster, you may bury a card from your hand (☐ or discards) to add your Fortitude skill. (☐ If you do, you may remove 1 of your scourges.)
Closing your location does not prevent you from exploring (☐ and after you close your location, you may draw a card) (☐ and you may heal a card).
At the end of your turn, you may move (☐ then examine the top card of your location); any local characters may move with you.
☐ When cards would be recharged or discarded to bless your combat check, they may be freely discarded instead.
☐ When you suffer damage, you may discard the top of your deck instead of your hand. (☐ When you suffer damage, you may examine the top 2 cards of your deck.) (☐ Then you may recharge any of the examined cards.)
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No plan survives being punched in the face.
Hand Size
☐ 5 ☐ 6
Proficient with
Weapon | ☐ Armor
On your Strength check or your check against a monster (☐ or a barrier), you may bury a card from your hand (☐ or discards) to add your Fortitude skill.
Closing your location does not prevent you from exploring (☐ and after you close your location, you may draw a card) (☐ and you may heal a weapon).
At the end of your turn, you may move; any local characters may move with you.
☐ On your (☐ or another local character's) Melee combat check, you may reload a weapon to add its level.
☐ When a card would be discarded to bless your combat check, it may be recharged instead.
☐ When you suffer damage from a bane (☐ before or) after acting, you may recharge a weapon to reduce the damage to 0.
Note: Amiri is the Owner of the card Frost Giant's Sword +1, and may thus start with it in her starting deck instead of a listed card of that type, even though it does not have the Basic trait.